A #German scholar when he was asked about #TERRORISM and Islam. He said. "Who started the first world war? Not Muslims!! Who started the #second_world_war? Not Muslims!! Who killed 6 million Jews in the Holocaust ? Not Muslims. Who killed about 20 millions of #Aborigines in Australia ? Not Muslims!! Who sent the nuclear bombs of #Hiroshima and #Nagasaki? Not Muslims!! Who killed thousands of people in #Afghanistan and #Falasteen? ? Not Muslims!! Who killed more than 100 millions of Indians in North America? Not Muslims!! Who killed more than 50 million of Indians in south America? Not Muslims!! Who took about 180 millions of African people as slaves and 88% of them died and were thrown overboard into #Atlantic_ocean? Not Muslims!! No, NOT Muslims!! First of all, You will have to define terrorism properly. If a non-Muslim does something bad. It is crime. But if a Muslim commits the same. He is a #Terrorist. So first remove this double standards. Then come to the point. I am proud to be a #MUSLIM !! We Muslim are not Terrorist..

Get a right info and not believe 100% in the wikipedia?
In the HISTORY of the world, who has KILLED maximum INNOCENT
human beings❓

1) "Hitler"
Do you know who he was❓

He was a Christian, but media will never call Christians terrorists.

2) "Joseph Stalin called as Uncle Joe".

He has killed 20 million human beings including 14.5 million were starved to death.

Was he a Muslim❓

3) "Mao Tse Tsung (China)"

He has killed 14 to 20 million human beings.

Was he a Muslim❓

4) "Benito Mussolini (Italy)"

He has killed 400 thousand human beings. 

Was he a Muslim❓

5) "Ashoka" In Kalinga Battle

He has killed 100 thousand human beings.

 Was he a Muslim❓

6) Embargo put by George Bush in Iraq,

1/2 million children
has been killed in Iraq alone!!! Imagine these people are never called terrorists by the media.


Today the majority of the non-muslims are afraid by hearing the words "JIHAD".

Jihad is an Arabic word which comes from root Arabic word "JAHADA" which means "TO STRIVE" or "TO STRUGGLE" against evil and for justice. It does not
mean killing innocents.

The difference is we stand against evil, not with evil".

πŸ‘‰You still think that ISLAM is the problem❓

1. The First World War, 17 million dead
(caused by non-Muslim).

2. The Second World War, 50-55 million dead (caused by non-Muslim).

3. Nagasaki atomic bombs 2 million dead
(caused by non-Muslim).

4. The War in Vietnam, over 5 million dead (caused by non-Muslim).

5. The War in Bosnia/Kosovo, over 5,00,000 dead (caused by non-Muslim).

6. The War in Iraq (so far) 12,000,000 deaths
(caused by non-Muslim).

7. Afghanistan, Iraq, Palestine, Burma etc (caused by non-Muslim).

8. In Cambodia 1975-1979, almost 3 million deaths (caused by non-Muslim).


πŸ‘‰Please remove first double standards on Killing.

Algeria genocide by France 😊😊😊

 "In 1961, the civilized French slaughtered 1,500,000 Algerians. They even brought back chopped heads to be displayed in their museum in France for their so called civilized citizens to look upon with pride because of their victory over those who fought back. At present, Emmanuel Macron's claims of "French civility and righteousness" borders on absurd comedy in light of their brutal colonialists history for which his nation has never been held accountable, let alone apologized, and also in light of their present participation in the war in Syria that has resulted in further bloodshed."

Terrorism has no place in Islam. 
Muslims are commanded by God to treat people; of all beliefs and cultures; friendly, kindly, and peacefully unless they fight us on our religion or they occupy our lands and drive us away from our homes. 
In the Quran, Holy book of Islam, God has said : ( Allah does not forbid you from those who do not fight you because of religion and do not expel you from your homes - from being righteous toward them and acting justly toward them. Indeed, Allah loves those who act justly ) 
Holy Quran 60:8 
Even in time of war, Prophet Muhammad (peace upon him) used, in any military conflict, to prohibit soldiers from killing women, children, old people, or any civilian. He would advise them: {…Do not betray, do not be excessive, do not kill a newborn child.} And he also said: { Whoever has killed a person having a treaty with the Muslims shall not smell the fragrance of Paradise, though its fragrance is found for a span of forty years.} Also, the Prophet Muhammad (peace upon him) listed murder as the second of the major sins (the first major sin is denying the oneness of God), and he even warned that on the Day of Judgment, {The first cases to be adjudicated between people on the Day of Judgment will be those of bloodshed.} Quran states that Allah (God) created all people from Adam and Eve and made them in different cultures, races, and faiths to compete and cooperate together for the mankind prosperity and not to fight. ( O mankind, fear your Lord, who created you from one soul and created from it its mate and dispersed from both of them many men and women. And fear Allah , through whom you ask one another, and the wombs. Indeed Allah is ever, over you, an Observer . And give to the orphans their properties and do not substitute the defective [of your own] for the good [of theirs]. And do not consume their properties into your own. Indeed, that is ever a great sin )

Japanese scientist Yoshinori Ohsumi: Fasting helps the body regenerate
Nobel Prize winning Japanese scientist Yoshinori Ohsumi has scientifically proven the effect of fasting on human health. Yoshinori Ohsumi won the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 2016 for his thesis on cell self-digestion (autohagy).
The Japanese scientist Yoshinori Ohsumi, who won the Nobel Prize for his thesis that cells digest and renew themselves through the triggering of hunger, scientifically proved the effect of fasting on human health.

"Muslim Terrorist" we have upgraded the term to "Islamists". Great...

For years we Muslims all around the world have voiced out our concern towards the media, every single time explaining that those who do the act of terror has none whatsoever related to Islam and Muslims.

They are just using Islam as an excuse to do what they do. Islam for them is just an excuse, a tool, to use to justify what they did.

Media is supposed to be the bridge, the educator, to make people understand situations and each other better.

But instead media these days has become the new Weapons Of Mass Destruction, promoting hatred.

What the terrorists did is unacceptable and unforgivable, but you medias who promotes hatred are far more worst.


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