Muhammad (ﷺ) cursed the grave worshipers. And warned the Muslims against it in his dying moments, “May Allaah curse the Jews and the Christians, for they have taken the graves of their Prophets as places of worship.” (Narrated by al-#Bukhaari, 435; #Muslim, 529). Muhammad (ﷺ) said, “Do not sit on graves, or pray (facing) towards them.” (Narrated by Muslim, 972). #Muhammad (ﷺ) said, “No one should seek to me for assistance. Indeed, it is Allah (Alone) Who is to be sought for assistance and help.” (At-Tabarani) Muhammad (ﷺ) said, “If you ask, then ask of Allaah, and if you seek help, then seek the help of Allaah.” (Tirmidhi, 2516) The #shirk of #Grave_Worship 🚫 To call upon anyone (in the unseen seeking assistance) is Dua, and #Dua is worship. It is the exclusive right of Allah ALONE to be called upon (invoked) - sharing this with anyone else (whether it's calling Prophet #Muhammadﷺ or Jesus or "saints" or angels or whoever or whatever) is major shirk which exp...